Friday, May 2, 2008

Blogger Retard!

This is the first post by myself!!! Can you believe it? I'm sure you can't. Amanda and Katie helpped me set up my blog and everything, but now I don't remember how to do all. I was going to add the story that goes along with the slideshow of the book Koby gave me when he proposed, but I can't seem to get it to do what I want it to! I know I'm a little slow! At least I'm adding something, right? It took me so long to post something because I thought it would take a while for me to figure it all out, but it isn't so hard to make a new post. It's just kinda confusing trying to add to an old one. I'll try harder to figure it out and we'll see if it works!! I'll keep ya posted!

1 comment:

Katie said...

I'm so excited to see that you have posted. Yay! Okay, to edit the old post...log into blogger, go to 'Posts' then find the old post and click 'Edit' on the left-hand side. Then you can just type in the box. Good luck. And you are more than welcome to call me if you need help.