Monday, January 5, 2009

This is How We Do It!

New Year's Eve was slightly different this year! Normally we either go to my parent's house or to our good friends the Sorensen's house and play games, visit, catch up, and then after midnight and a cup of bubbly we go out to breakfast! This year it was just my family. We went to the church and played tornado, Wii, and Wacky Six! We also rode around on the wiggle cars! It was so much fun, but we missed the Sorensens and Koby! Koby was in New Orleans for the Utes BCS game (he can blog about that later if he so chooses). Last year I was in Ecuador and had to miss out on the "traditional" New Year celebration, so it was nice to be home this year!! Ecuadorians make a dummy to look like themselves and burn them at midnight, "burning" their old selves and sins with the dummies. I hope that Koby and I can be together next year so I can finally have a New Year's kiss!! :) There is always something that stands out each year that we go to breakfast. One year there was a fight, another someone ordered "Classic Eggs", but this year the memorable thing was the waiter! Tight pants, glitter on the EXTREME side, and big blue bunny ears!!!! I tried to get pictures with out being too obvious, but I didn't get a very good one. All in all it was a fun night with lots of fun memories!! Thanks fam!! You da Bomb!! (LOL!)

PS melissa has a lot of pictures so hopefully she'll post them soon!!

Our waiter there in the background!

Yes, Classic Eggs is a heading, not a meal. I'm not sure who would think it was a meal! I never would that's for sure! ;)

The funniest picture of Jare!!! (Sorry, I just HAD to put it on here!)

Me looking so sad that Koby was not with us! :(

Landon playing with the ball! He loves trying to make baskets!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Simply Havin' A Wonderful Christmas Time!

I won't go into the details of things because that would be far too long and no one would read this post, so here I go. We had a wonderful Christmas time! We were able to spend time with both sides of the family and enjoy their company. We did a little Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve morning and then headed up to Logan to spend a little time with Grandma and Grandpa Lott and my siblings. We left in time to make it to Terry and Rhonda's for the Bawden part of our celebrations. We spent Christmas Eve night and then Christmas morning with my parent's and did some visiting of relatives on the way out to G & G Shook's house for Christmas dinner. After dinner we paid a little visit to G & G Hensley. We are so blessed with wonderful family and all that we could ever ask for!! Thanks everyone for a fun filled Christmas!!!! :)