Friday, April 11, 2008


I was in Ecuador for about three months serving the beautiful Ecuadorian children. On March 18, 2008 I had to head back home to the good ol' US of A.Koby sent a present for me with my sister. I was suppose to open it on the plane ride to the US. I opened it the night before though, just cause I couldn't wait! It was a book of reasons why he loved me and what he missed most while I was gone. He also sent a really nice letter telling me in his own words how he loved me. I had about a five hour layover in Houston, Texas before I could make the last leg of my trip home to Salt Lake. Oh, I have to go back a little bit to the Quito, Ecuador airport. I was sitting there waiting to board the plane when I heard my name called over the intercom. I wasn't for sure that it was really me so I waited. I heard it a couple more times and then finally asked an attendant about it. I had to go and watch them deflate a couple soccer balls that were in one of my suitcases. Ok, now back to Houston. I was waiting around and had found out that my flight was delayed. It got delayed more than once. So I went with Melissa and waited by her gate. We were just sitting by a wall waiting and kinda fighting. Ok, ok it was me. I hadn't slept at all the night before. I heard my name over the intercom and that just made me even more upset, or annoyed really. I thought maybe my flight got changed again, so I was gathering all my stuff, my phone rang so I was telling my mom that I had to go and then I looked up and saw Koby standing there. I was like "Koby? Koby! What are you doing here?". I was so surprised! This lady handed me an envelope and said "oh, I think ya dropped this!" So I opened it and it had the last picture to my book in it! I looked at the picture and then he got down on one knee and popped the question. I was so shocked, he had to ask me twice!! He finally got me to wake up and answer and obviously I said "YES!". It was a very happy moment for me!! It was a crazy day, but good and is most definately unforgettable!


Momberger said...

You two are so cute together! We wish you all the happiness in the world! Congratulations!

Amanda and Nick said...

Can I just say you guys are the cutest people I have ever seen? and Koby, the book is amazing!! We all have to hang out now : ) congratulations!!

Randilee said...

I am so excited for the two of you. Mandy- I would love to be able to do hair for the wedding if you would like. ( as a gift, of course) Yours, Bridesmaids, Moms, etc. Let me know. check out my website for my bridal portfolio

KO and SJ said...

Okay, so I was bawling looking at your page! I don't think there could be a cuter couple in the whole world!!! Congratulations!